The stereotypes from the faculty

In the Faculty of Social Sciences there are different stereotypes: THE HIPPIES, BITTER, RURALS, SNOBS, POLITICIAN....

For example, the hippies are a group composed mainly by anthropologists. They have a relaxed style and wearing colorful. But there's 2 types differents of hippies: the really hippies and hippie-snob. The really hippies are guys who all his life was hippies, they are untidy and even they have stink. Currently, this type is almost non-existent in the faculty. There are only a few. In change, the hippie-snob is mayority group from the faculty. They are blonds guys and they use wool vest. They come from families with money, and were in a good school.

The bitter is a group composed mainly by sociologists. They think on the negative side of things and they are constantly criticizing the world, theories, teachers.

The Politician are students who are part of political groups: Auonomous, Praxis, Collective Platform and Communist Youth. They are constantly in meetings and they don't have time to study. I always see them painting posters reporting on marches, rallies, demonstrations.

I do not belong to any of those stereotypes!!!!