My blogging experience

Firstly i'm going to tell about my general experience with the english. Really, i don't enjoy English because in the college, i was given to choose the language: English, French or German, and i chose French. For this reason my English is very basic. Now I come to think of it, I believe that to choose french was a bad decision...

Despite the above, my blogging experience is good, because although it is difficult for me, is a good way to practice the writting. All languages are learned in the practice, then write in the blog all weeks, allows exercise the grammar, the spelling, the coherence in a text, etc.

Also, the blog allow think in differents topics: everyday life issues and academic topics. Besides, i think that is good that the students work in your blogs in the class because they can clarify doubts with the teacher.

Moreover, the blog is good because is really diffrent to write in a piece of paper and to write in a computer. This second option is better because for example, this exercise is very difficut for me, then I need complement my knowledge base with, even sometimes with google translator

Finally, really i think that this practice has helped me improve my English. Now the challenge is to improve oral English

My ideal job

I would like to work in some art group. Really i would like to work in the art group TUP. This group is a interdisciplinary team (historian, anthropologist,sociologist and visual artists) that do art actions in the city. The intention is to generate a closer relation between the art and the society. Then, they come to a neighborhood and they propose to people an art exercise .The people of neighborhood accept this propose and begins an intense collective work, a relation of collaboration and learning between art group and the people of neighbordhood.

This group art is interdisciplinary because it search that the artistic experience is a learning experience, a reflective experience of their reality, its past and present. For that reason, they work a social memory, the historical memory. Then the artistic work should be combined with the knowledge (Theory and methodology)of history and social science like sociology.

But,I don't think i can live only art actions, I have a second option: Work in a "National Council of Culture and the Arts". I think that the cultural institutions don't have a lot of development still, then is very important that the sociology must be in charge this topic.

I love both jobs because would be providing expertise from sociology to the cultural field. I think that the cultural development is very important for a country or society in general, them i would like contribute to this development.

My favorite photograph

This picture is a memory of last summer of my travel with my boyfriend to Mexico. In Mexico City we visited the home of Frida Kahlo, that was very entertaining and nice. In the house were many foreign objects, like giant puppets, many handicraft of Mayan and Aztec including a small pyramid...

In the patio was this sheet metal... Then,we placed in the right place and another tourist take a picture. At bottom is a reflection beacuse we don't was in this windows, but this photograph creates this illusion.

I love it this picture because creates this illusion. Although I don't know if we are alike to Frida and Diego, but at least, seems that we are in this windows.

All tourists have a photo like this, Why not us?

The stereotypes from the faculty

In the Faculty of Social Sciences there are different stereotypes: THE HIPPIES, BITTER, RURALS, SNOBS, POLITICIAN....

For example, the hippies are a group composed mainly by anthropologists. They have a relaxed style and wearing colorful. But there's 2 types differents of hippies: the really hippies and hippie-snob. The really hippies are guys who all his life was hippies, they are untidy and even they have stink. Currently, this type is almost non-existent in the faculty. There are only a few. In change, the hippie-snob is mayority group from the faculty. They are blonds guys and they use wool vest. They come from families with money, and were in a good school.

The bitter is a group composed mainly by sociologists. They think on the negative side of things and they are constantly criticizing the world, theories, teachers.

The Politician are students who are part of political groups: Auonomous, Praxis, Collective Platform and Communist Youth. They are constantly in meetings and they don't have time to study. I always see them painting posters reporting on marches, rallies, demonstrations.

I do not belong to any of those stereotypes!!!!

My favourite piece of technology

Really, I'm not very fond of technology. when I was a child, I still had a "black and white" television in my house...and just 3 years ago, my parents bought a microwave. Then, I don’t feel really connected to Technology. Despite that, I think my favourite piece of technology is my digital camera.

My father bought this camera in Units States, when he travelled for his work, That was the year 2004. In this moment those cameras were an innovation in Chile. But today I can look so better cameras with different models. In fact, my sisters wants someone.

Its operation is very simple because with a single click you're ready. It’s different to old cameras, because it was very difficult to focus! And I can make long recordings. Also I can use a long time with the same battery

Actually, I don’t use it so much. I use it when I go to new places to have memories of those moments. I can remember some friends when I saw them.

I like my camera because it’s very practice: small and lightweight. Also It is a good band: Sony. It takes very good photos, it has an excellent quality.

My favorite movie

My favorite movie is Amélie.

The first time I saw a movie was with the best friend "Vale". We love so much to movie, we wanted to have the style of the protagonist. Then we cut our hair like her.

This movie tells the story of a girl that grew up together their father. He was very protetor and He don't allowed that your daughter to play with other kids. Then she learned to play alone. For this raison she developed a lot of their creativity and imagination.

A day she found behind wall a little box that was stored there for 40 years. That situation to move to Amélie and she decided to look for owner that these box.

Well she began a original search to citywide... Finally, she found the owner. He was very happy and He advised that it was time to seek their own happiness.

It was discovered to herself.

My most important trip

My most important trip was last summer, from December 17 to February 25.

Me and my boyfriend traveled to Mexico! We visited almost all south of the country.

Firstly we arrived to D.F because my boyfriend's sisters live in Mexico City. We celebrate Christmas with them and then we went sightsee!!! We knew the states of Oaxaca, Chiapas, Yucatán, Quintana Roo, and Puebla.

The all trip was beatiful, we meet a lot nice people. We stayed in to those people's houses and we shared with your families. The foot is really spice but very good. I love the corn "tacos" with "huitlacoche", soybean and hot sauce.

This trip was very important because it was the the longest I have done. I had never been so long away from my family. Also It was not the first time I traveled with my boyfriend, but this was "our trip". As well the mexican culture is very interesant and diverse.