My favorite website of sociology

Usually i visit the website of academic and national awards (Social sciences) Manuel Antonio Garretón. This prominent sociologist chilean does research some subjects about latin america. For example, Politics and State in Chile and latin america, authoritarianism and democracy, actors and social movements and cultural changes.

This website is very interesant because it have lot of information and very good organised. You can find the biography of author, your publications, the papers of conferences and courses and informations about your researchs.

Also you ca find a link of your blog. There he write your opinion about currents events. For example, the role of State in the crisis subprime, the challenge of president Obama, among other things.

I visit this blog when i must write a theorical paper and when i study for your classe.

The link is There is a link for to contact the author.

My Hobbies

I have differents hobbies.

Usually i like watch films with my boyfriends. We like the films of Almodóvar.
I like watch films because it is fun and i know other realities.

A year ago, me and my boyfriend go to dance salsa. We take classes in the Maestra Vida. It's very fantastic. I like because is another form of sport.

Also, i make earings because it's amused and I sell's. I love make crafts. When i was younger, i did "atrapasueños" and i did decorates in the mirrors.

Five years ago i practice Biodanza. It is dance of relaxing with other people. I like because i meet with interesting people.

My experience with the earthquake

In the summer i went to Mexico and arrived the day 25th of February. In the moment of the eartquake, i was talking with my mother around my travel. When i felt the little quake, i standed up and i went open the door of apartment.

I was with my mother under of door frame. Also the power went off, we did'nt see then i felt very afraid. The ornaments of apartment broken. Was very impressive!!!

When stopped the tremor, we descended to firts floor. There was a lots neighbors. We listen to radio in the car of a neighbor and we knew it was an eartquake.

At 7 am, we went into the apartament. Then my grand mother went to my home. She was very frightened.

The next days i help in the Fech.

My presentation


I am Malén Cayupi. I'm study sociology (fourth year) in University of Chile.
I like ride my bike, listen to music and go to the cinema.
Also, I do class of language in Group of Popular Education.
In the future, i want study in other country.